Monday, May 4, 2009


I recently came across a blog whose author is a University of Tennessee law professor named Greg Reynolds. His blog, called "Instapundit," gives visitors all of the days breaking news stories as they happen by providing links to the original sources. He also provides visitors with links to other blogs when they post something he feels is relevant.
It is a format very similar to the Drudge Report, done by Matt Drudge. Like Drudge, Reynolds gives a succinct blurb, usually opinionated, that serves as the link to the real story. I like the fact that you can be on the site and understand whats going on even if you never leave it. However, if you are like me and sometimes do this, you are usually subject to only one side of the story. To fully grasp all aspects of each story, clicking the link is commonly necessary.
I also like the clean and simple look Instapundit has. Your not overwhelmed by ads or flashiness. It's a very straightforward site with good links and it's clarity pleases me.
One critique I would have of Reynolds would be the uniformity of each story. They're all formatted the exact same way, regardless of importance. An aspect of the Drudge Report I really like is that Drudge will make one story the feature story, loud and clear. What he feels is the most important issue of the moment, will take the top of the page and be in much larger font and is usually accompanied with a clever picture. This aspect definitely makes me curious as to which story will make it up there each time I visit. Perhaps, adding something like this could enhance Instapundit

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